The Impact of the Pandemic on the Level of Students Anxiety

Iryna Synhaivska, Ganna Gulko
2021 Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Law and Education Research (ELER 2021)   unpublished
The past 2020 was unusual for the whole world and changed the lives of most people on the planet. Such concepts as pandemic, health, anxiety, disturbance, limitations, distance and lockdown have become the most popular and relevant. Health safety being everyone's basic need was at stake. We began to worry about our health, avoided meeting other people, tried to adapt to a new way of life that was dictated by new realities. Every day we heard from the news about the number of affected patients
more » ... d the danger of being in public places. It influenced our psychological state, increased uncertainty, anxiety and disturbance. Such phenomena as fear and worry are derived from and based on emotions which protect a person from danger, signaling the need to get out of this state, situation, change the environment. But prolonged anxiety leads to health deterioration and causes a decrease in efficiency and effectiveness. This study will find out how exactly the pandemic and its consequences (information, health state and stress) affect an individual's anxiety and its components, as well as what factors help reduce anxiety.
doi:10.2991/aebmr.k.210320.014 fatcat:on6ucxodxfcjxmond4jngpv5ge