A Generic One-Factor Lévy Model for Pricing Synthetic CDOs [chapter]

Hansjörg Albrecher, Sophie A. Ladoucette, Wim Schoutens
Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis  
The one-factor Gaussian model is well-known not to fit simultaneously the prices of the different tranches of a collateralized debt obligation (CDO), leading to the implied correlation smile. Recently, other one-factor models based on different distributions have been proposed. Moosbrucker used a one-factor Variance Gamma model, Kalemanova et al. and Guegan and Houdain worked with a NIG factor model and Baxter introduced the BVG model. These models bring more flexibility into the dependence
more » ... cture and allow tail dependence. We unify these approaches, describe a generic one-factor Levy model and work out the large homogeneous portfolio (LHP) approximation. Then, we discuss several examples and calibrate a battery of models to market data.
doi:10.1007/978-0-8176-4545-8_14 fatcat:djp2iysdmnc2rpar5kepyk2mcu