An off-shell superspace R2-action in six dimensions

E. Bergshoeff, M. Rakowski
1987 Physics Letters B  
The superspace constraints corresponding to the two inequivalent versions of the 40 + 40 off-shell Weyl multiplet in six dimensions are given. A supersymmetric RE-action (including quartic fermion terms) for one of the two Weyl multiplets is constructed. A crucial role in this construction is played by the observation that there exists a formal relationship between the Weyl and Yang-Mills multiplets. Both the supersymmetric RE-action and the supersymmetric Yang-Mills FE-action coupled to the
more » ... l multiplet are reformulated as superspace actions.
doi:10.1016/0370-2693(87)90629-0 fatcat:vonepnzsjncqnkixshosau45ke