NN Final-State Interaction in the Helicity Dependence of Inclusive - Photoproduction from the Deuteron

E. M. Darwish
2005 Progress of theoretical physics  
The helicity dependence of the inclusive π^- photoproduction reaction from the deuteron in the Δ(1232)-resonance region is investigated with inclusion of final-state nucleon-nucleon rescattering (NN-FSI). For the elementary π-production operator an effective Lagrangian model which includes the standard pseudovector Born terms and a contribution from the Δ-resonance is used. The half-off-shell NN-scattering matrix is obtained from a separable representation of a realistic NN-interaction. The
more » ... erential polarized cross-section difference for parallel and antiparallel helicity states is predicted and compared with experiment. We find that the effect of NN-FSI is much less important in the helicity difference than in the previously studied unpolarized differential cross section. Furthermore, the contribution of d⃗(γ⃗,π^-)pp to the deuteron spin asymmetry is explicitly evaluated with inclusion of NN-FSI. It has been found that the effect of NN-FSI is much larger in the asymmetry than in the total cross section, and this leads to an appreciable reduction of the spin asymmetry in the Δ-region. Inclusion of such effect also leads to improved and quite satisfactory agreement with existing experimental data.
doi:10.1143/ptp.113.169 fatcat:is7xf5xixza3tj2uimimifw5qa