J. C. Maxwell Garnett
1918 Textile Institute Journal Proceedings and Abstracts  
View related articles 7(5 (1.\|{N15TT INDUSTItY. RESEARCH, AND EDUCATION. \Junr, 1918. hy (IH' appliciititiii nf Hrii'iicc«. i\« llic IV(«siitioi) <>f England nnd <if (he BritiNli Emyjiro \vo«ild lin not to have piM'htip3 (he prcatost Kirength of arnm, but Ui rniso the uumber nf sovuid, liealthy, wfilleducatod, upright, moral incn ancl womeu a« its citizeiiH. If they sought rivalry wi(h other nations in that, direction he would have no fear for the ])ro«perity and the advancement of
more » ... vilisation, not only in thfi British Empire hut all over the world, (Applause.) Sir Frank Warner afterwards took the <hair, ancl an adchejw was given by the Principul of the College. INDUSTRY, RESEARCH. AND EDUCATION.
doi:10.1080/00405001808631812 fatcat:yhizgentpzaxleopksp7ttpsjy