Reliable state space upper bounds for the peak structured singular value

A.G. Sparks, D.S. Bernstein
Proceedings of 1995 American Control Conference - ACC'95  
A state-space method for computing upper bounds for the peak of the structured singular value over frequency for both real and complex uncertainties is presented. These bounds are based on the positivity and Popov criteria for one-sided, sector-bounded and for norm-bounded, block-structured linear uncertainty. These criteria are restated and used to derive upper bounds for the peak structured singular value by equating the feasibility of a linear matrix inequality which involves a plant
more » ... ace realization to the strict positive realness of a transfer function. Numerical examples are given to illustrate these upper bounds. 1998 John & Wiley Sons, Ltd.
doi:10.1109/acc.1995.531407 fatcat:b6nywmexsvflnpk36rnot2ztqy