Diffraction by two ideal strips

A.V. Shanin, S.V. Chernyshev
International Seminar. Day on Diffraction '2001. Proceedings (IEEE Cat.No.01EX477)  
The problem of scattering of a plane wave by two ideal strips lying in one plane is studied. The Wiener-Hopf functional equation is formulated and studied. The following results are obtained. 1) The embedding formula is derived. This formula enables to express the far-field diagram, depending on two variables (the angle of incidence and the angle of scattering) as the combination of 4 functions depending on one variable. 2) The ordinary differential equation with respect to the spectral
more » ... is derived for the components of the far-field diagram. 3) The evolution equation describing the dependence of the far-field diagram on the parameters of the problem (such as the coordinates of the edges of the scatterer) are derived. * y , where k * = k 0 cos ψ; ψ is the angle of incidence.
doi:10.1109/dd.2001.988481 fatcat:5jehpk2g6ffylbu65qzal3sk3m