Discursive Analysis of Tourism Advertisements

Ni Wayan Kasni, I Wayan Budiarta
2019 Proceedings of the International Conference of Social Science   unpublished
Language serves an important part to transfer message on advertisement to the readers. The language used has its own features in order to be able to capture the readers' attention. Therefore this research was done in order to investigate three main problems on the tourism advertisement, namely (1) how is the features of the advertisements, (2) how is organization of the advertisements, (3) What is the purpose of the advertisement? The data used are qualitative data taken from hotel
more » ... s and restaurant advertisements. The data were analyzed by applying two main theories, namely the Theory of Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough (1989) and Van Djik (2002) .The result of the analysis revealed that the hotels advertisements use certain strategy of discourse in promoting the hotels. The strategy in the text covers the use of certain expressions, syntax, and stylistics which are all as boosters to drag the customers' intention. The hotel advertisements are arranged in a such attractive way that customers get vast information.
doi:10.4108/eai.21-9-2018.2281167 fatcat:uzaaqsrxyred5kl2xtcfqovxda