Strain distributions and electronic subband energies of self-assembled CdTe quantum wires grown on ZnTe buffer layers

J. T. Woo, S. H. Song, I. Lee, T. W. Kim, K. H. Yoo, H. S. Lee, H. L. Park
2007 Journal of Applied Physics  
The structural properties and the shape of self-assembled CdTe/ZnTe quantum wires ͑QWRs͒ grown by using molecular beam epitaxy and atomic layer epitaxy were determined by using atomic force microscopy ͑AFM͒ measurements, and the interband transitions in the CdTe/ZnTe QWRs were investigated by using temperature-dependent photoluminescence ͑PL͒ measurements. The shape of the CdTe/ZnTe QWRs on the basis of the AFM image was modeled to be a half-ellipsoidal cylinder approximately. The
more » ... pendent PL spectra showed that the PL peaks corresponding to the interband transitions from the ground electronic subband to the ground heavy-hole band ͑E 1 -HH 1 ͒ shifted to lower energy with increasing temperature. Strain distributions and electronic subband energies at several temperatures were numerically calculated by using a finite-difference method ͑FDM͒ with and without taking into account shape-based strain and nonparabolicity effects. The excitonic peak corresponding to ͑E 1 -HH 1 ͒ interband transitions, as determined from the PL spectra, was in reasonable agreement with that corresponding to the ͑E 1 -HH 1 ͒ transitions obtained, as determined from the FDM calculations taking into account shape-based strain and nonparabolicity effects. The present results help improve understanding of the electronic structures of CdTe/ZnTe QWRs.
doi:10.1063/1.2764005 fatcat:4xfnudgnqbbgzpm67dnyqbb2jq