Smart-phone apps for science

2010 Physics today  
The project is on the topic "Consumer preference on various smart phone apps with special reference to users in Kochi". The study manly focuses on the consumer preference on various smart phone applications in Kochi. The study is conducted among 100 users in Kochi. The project evaluates whether the use of smart phone applications and the category of consumers have any relation. Important variables analyzed are age group of consumers, the most frequently used application, factors influencing the
more » ... choice of applications, negative impacts of smart phone application. Key Words:Mobile apps: A mobile app is a computer program designed to run on smart phones, tablet computers and other mobile devices. Consumer preferences: Consumer preferences are defined as the subjective (individual) tastes, as measured by, utility of. Smart phone: A Smart phone is a mobile phone that performs many of the functions of a computer, typically having a touch screen interface, internet access, and an operating system capable of running downloaded apps. Professions: In this project profession includes five categories of people .They are IT professionals, Government employees, private employees, students and house wives.
doi:10.1063/pt.5.024503 fatcat:j7sor6r6xrdtni4pngrqfpmrdq