The Use of Atropine to Control Heart Rate Responses During Detomidine Sedation in Horses

Charles E. Short, Jean-Louis Stauffer, Gary Goldberg, Outi Vainio
1986 Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica  
and 0. VAINIO: The use of atropine to control heart rate responses during detomidine sedation in horses. Acta vet. scan.d. 1986, 27, 548-559. -Detomidine is a sedative-ainalgesic which has a pharmacological profile similar to xylazine. There is evidence that the sedative are mediated through alpha-2 adrenoceptors. Cardiopulmonary responses' were determined using detomidine as the principal agent and as a preanesthetic l>rior to the induction of general anesthesia. Compatibility with
more » ... sodium thiamylal and halothane were determined. As in the case of xylazin.e, detomidine produces a slowing of heart rates. This was found to be either sinus bradycardia or heart block. There may be a COl'responding increase in systolic blood pressures. The resp.iratory pattern is altered through the arterial blood gases and pH data supported evidence of adequate ventilation. The heart rate response to detomidine without anticholinergic treatment was transient and related to he duration of drug action. Atropine sulfate, 0.0-2 mg/kg i.v. was effective in preventing or treating bradycardia or heart block from detomidine. Heart rates increased during the adminJistration of gua.ifenesin and sodium. thia--myfaJ when given 50 min post-detomi"dine.
doi:10.1186/bf03548134 fatcat:qfayqf7ozvgpflmwozlivpbxjm