Mobile Value Added Services in Fiji

Milind Sathye, Biman Prasad, Dharmendra Sharma, Parmendra Sharma, Suneeta Sathye
2017 Journal of Global Information Management  
While mobile phones are making significant inroads in many developing countries, little is known about the institutional drivers, policy barriers and industry challenges that affect their use for business growth of micro-enterprises. The authors address this gap. After conducting semi-structured interviews of 74 women-owned micro entrepreneurs and ten key informants from the government and industry in Fiji, the authors found that appropriate policy framework, supporting infrastructure and
more » ... riate ecosystem are required for rapid uptake of mobile value added services by women-owned micro entrepreneurs. They contribute by proposing a revised technology adoption framework as well as the four shackles theory of women micro entrepreneurs' empowerment and emancipation. The authors also highlight the policy initiatives necessary to accelerate the growth of women-owned micro enterprises by mobile value added services which could also guide other developing and emerging economies.
doi:10.4018/jgim.2017040101 fatcat:z5lvspaex5bb5k722oriigtumi