By Any Other Name: Discrimination in Resume Screening [book]

Eva Derous, Ann Marie Ryan, Ute-Christine Klehe, Edwin van Hooft
2014 Oxford Handbooks Online  
This chapter discusses perspectives and empirical findings on ethnic discrimination during the resume screening phase. First, the labor market position of ethnic minorities is discussed and two prominent hypotheses on the disadvantaged labor market position of ethnic minorities are presented, namely the human capital versus hiring discrimination hypothesis. Second, several theoretical perspectives are discussed that illustrate why resume screening might be vulnerable to biased decision making.
more » ... hird, we turn our attention to influences on hiring discrimination that reside in the applicant, the job/organization, and recruiter. Finally, this chapter ends with a critical reflection on some practical recommendations (such as anonymous resume screening) and future research directions on hiring discrimination during resume screening, including new technologies such as video resumes.
doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199764921.013.017 fatcat:2dqjhmqfinfzjfiryrqtbmeody