Aditivos alternativos na alimentação de aves

Maryelle Durães de Oliveira, Kelen Cristiane Zavarize, Natali Almeida Gomes, Fernanda Rodrigues Taveira Rocha, Julyana Machado da Silva Martins, Fernanda Heloisa Litz, Henrique Castilhano
2012 PubVet  
A possible bacterial pathogens resistant dissemination due to presence of medication residues in animal origin products and consumer market demand for quality products led to restriction on antibiotics administered in chicken feed, and the search for alternatives such as probiotics, prebiotics, symbiotic and phytogenic additives by offering favorable conditions to beneficial microorganisms to gastrointestinal tract development, immune stress reduction. Therefore, the objective of this study was
more » ... to report alternative additives effect (probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics phytogenic additives) in poutry diet.
doi:10.22256/pubvet.v6n27.1425 fatcat:ayw46t2yzjaudctxuhuikef6la