Miscellaneous Inventions

1886 Scientific American  
A steam actuated valve has been pat ented by Mr. John T. Toole, of East Saginaw, Mich. Between the steam cheet and the cyUnder is an aux!l! ary steam chest· with an auxiliary valve, with other novel f�, aturcs, whereby steam pumps will work with rllgularity, and will not be left on the dead center at starting or stopping. anannularspace and compartment,80 that when the box is taken in the hand, to use the blacking, the brush will be prevented from coming in contact with the fin· gers by the
more » ... r wall of the box. A lemon squeezer has been patented by Mr. Jacob J. Sturla, of Memphis, Tenn. Combined with a cup having a perforated bottom is a pivoted lever with a block fitting in the cup, and an inverted cup shaped plate with notches in the rim, held on the bot tom of the cup by a screw, so the juice cannot fl ow out too rapidly at the bottom or squirt out at the top. A bedstead or cot li'h.s been patented by A register for elevators has been patent-Mr. Henry Willi�ms, of 2Duke Street, London Bridge, ed by Mr. Daniel Segur, of Toledo, O. It is a register. Surrey Co., Eng. This invention covers a novel combi ing mechanism for measuring the distance traveled by I nation of parts in a bedstead or cot, which shall be hydraulic elevators in one direction, by which, when comfortable and strong when set up, and which can be the size of the cylinder or piston is known, the con-readily erected and conveniently taken down and rolled sumption of water will be indicated. up in a small package. Wanted.-A fi rst claos scientifi c draughtsman. Ad dress J. P. H., P. O. Box 7'13, New York city.
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican03131886-169a fatcat:rr6gzchq3fc7zdnntdiwtqwhfq