Amphibious Vehicles for Disaster Relief and Emergency Medicine

Richard Coe
Coe R. Amphibious vehicles for disaster relief and emergency medicine. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2022;00(00):1-3. Dear Editor, With the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events, there is a compelling case to be made for the use of amphibious vehicles in natural as well man-made disasters and emergencies. Applications range from the supply of humanitarian logistics, water production, and in particularmobile medical units. These could form a very efficient first response capability
more » ... for prehospital and Emergency Medical Services and enable access to areas cut off by flooding, assist coastal and island communities, and negotiate natural boundaries such as rivers or where bridges have been compromised. Current amphibious response capacity is primarily conducted by military units which is costly in the first instance and the use of uniformed personnel with military hardware can be perceived in a negative light by those in need. There is a limited period that naval and auxiliary vessels can remain on locations as these are strategic assets and will need to return to their primary roles in the country of origin. This is further compounded by the blanket refusal of some major relief nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to work alongside any military entity. There have been cases of retired vintage amphibious vehicles for tours used in hurricane response efforts in the US but with limited effect given the age and general unreliability of the equipment. Tortuga Amphibious Vehicles (Figure 1 ) aim to address this by utilizing modern, massproduced donor chassis types, which are readily supported with spares and repair. The conversion process from donor to finished unit is also a very cost-effective approach, avoiding the need to design and build from scratch. Several types have been exported overseas to date, including two units for an evacuation center in Manila, and a number of communities have been reached with medical supplies and water that were isolated by flooding in China by the Red Cross. The response vehicles can be deployed by sea to coastal and island communities by any number of civilian vessels of opportunity to promote a rapid first response. Similarly, as capable off-road vehicles, they can penetrate any inland areas and be independent of bridges where these may have been impacted. The concept also puts a very capable amphibious response solely in civilian hands, including local personnel as operators, which would offer employment opportunities. The problem of deploying units to disaster sites can be addressed by the use of laid up offshore supply vessels, of which there is a global over-supply due to the fluctuating oil price. There are large numbers of these ships in storage around the world, crucially in areas affected by natural disasters such as Indonesia, the Caribbean, and Africa that could be re-purposed cost effectively. This has been the subject of several studies and we are in discussion with a large shipbroker in Singapore to examine this in more detail. Advances in scaling down of medical devices in size means that a single vehicle could be very well-equipped to deal with a range of prehospital and medical emergencies. Battery powered x-ray systems along with handheld ultrasound imaging machines, to name but two examples, enable portability on and off the vehicle and would complement standard emergency medical equipment. There are now ultra-low temperature portable fridges on the market which are battery powered with solar capacity and extremely effective in maintaining cold chains. Vaccine roll-out to remote, rural communities would also be a key feature of amphibious operations and could be used to expand COVID-19 vaccination as well as conventional immunization programs that have been suspended due to the pandemic. Having the means to maintain ultra-low temperatures on board the vehicle outside of urban and peri-urban settings where distributed grid power might also be fragile could make significant advances in protection against Ebola virus and others, helping contain outbreaks. There have been several events in the past few years where this capability would have been welcome, and this has been expressed by a number of individuals attending AidEx in
doi:10.1017/s1049023x22001108 pmid:35924717 fatcat:xd6ro3xkijhjdgbr6ddfzv7i3m