217 Clinical and serological profile of a series of rhupus patients

Beatriz Frade Sosa, Vera Ortiz-Santamaría, Vicente Torrente-Segarra, Ivan Castellvi, Berta Magallares, Delia Reina, Sonia Minguez, Meritxell Sallés, Sergi Ordoñez, Elena Riera, Maria Garcia Manrique, Jose A Gómez-Puerta
2019 Abstracts   unpublished
less IL-1ß, and the expression of anti-inflammatory genes, such as IL-10, was upregulated. Furthermore, treatment with BTK inhibitor increased the rate of phagocytosis by antiinflammatory M2 macrophages in vitro. Conclusions Our findings show that BTK inhibition hinders M1 macrophage differentiation and skews monocytes towards an anti-inflammatory M2 phenotype, while enhancing apoptotic cell uptake by M2 cells. Therefore, BTK inhibition could have additional benefits in the treatment of
more » ... ne diseases such as SLE, by targeting both B cells and myeloid cells simultaneously. Funding Source(s): This study was sponsored by EMD Serono Inc. (a business of Merck KGaA,
doi:10.1136/lupus-2019-lsm.217 fatcat:dsmwi22ie5d5vppnlpcsybvjqi