Psychotic appearances in a young girl: Thyroid storm

Yi-Yi Lu, Keng-Wei Hu, Ning-Ping Foo
2013 Journal of Acute Medicine  
Thyroid storm is a rare but life-threatening disease characterized by a severe clinical manifestation of thyrotoxicosis. In this report, a 14-yearold teenage girl presented to the emergency department (ED) under suspicion of sexual assault by her father. The initial vital signs were lowgrade fever, sustained tachycardia, and psychosis-like behavior. A series of examinations was performed during the ED survey, but no definite diagnosis was found. After a 24-hour observation period, her
more » ... ess level deteriorated, followed by the onset of seizures. She was promptly diagnosed with thyroid storm. This case should alert ED physicians to the potential clinical significance of thyroid storm in a pediatric patient presenting with psychotic symptoms.
doi:10.1016/j.jacme.2012.10.002 fatcat:7kad7wnkpjakxalezprdhq6gpu