Auditing and Re-auditing Nursing Care for Children Receiving Blood Transfusion

Manar Sayed
2018 Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal  
pediatric blood transfusion has many potential risks as infections with transmissible disease carried by the donor and transfusion-related acute lung injury which can be decreased by sufficient nursing interventions. Aim to audit and re-audit nursing care for children receiving blood transfusion. Design: descriptive research design was used. Subjects and Method: Sample: This study included all nurses' and nursing supervisors. Setting: the study was conducted in hematology unit, blood
more » ... center, pediatric intensive care unit and emergency unit at Assiut University Children Hospital. Subjects: the study consisted of 70 pediatric nurses (No=70). Tools: A structured observational check-list was used by the researchers to assess nurses' performance about care of children receiving blood transfusion. Re-auditing was performed after giving guidelines to all study research. Results: the majority of nurses had unsatisfactory level of performance before giving brochure and had satisfactory performance level during re-auditing. Conclusion: Auditing nursing care for children receiving blood transfusion was revealed improved nurses' performance after distribution the designed nursing brochure. Recommendation: application of Job Training programs on regular basis suggested improving and updating nurses' performance related to blood transfusion among children.
doi:10.21608/asnj.2018.59677 fatcat:d2smeghuazefxkaec67vy7k4ba