A Computational Approach for Image Fusion using Medical Images based on Ripplet Transform

Rajeshwari S.Goswami, Seema R. Baji
2015 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Image fusion is the process of combine different images from one or multiple imaging to raise the imaging quality. The concept is to improve the image content by combing images. Image fusion is important for improving the image quality and clinical application of medical image. Computed Tomography best suited for bone rift and reduction in providing information of the tissues, at the same time Magnetic Resolution Imaging gives soft tissue information and lacks in boundary information. In this
more » ... per Ripplet transform is resolving 2 dimensional singularities and show image edges more efficiently. At beginning the medical images are reconstruct by discrete ripplet transform. Fusion rules are applied to low frequency and high frequency subband. Apply inverse discrete ripplet transform to fused coefficient of low frequency and high frequency, for getting fused image. The performance of proposed system is calculated by quantitative approach such as spatial frequency, entropy, mutual information, peak signal to noise ratio, and root mean square error. Keywords Medical Image Fusion, Ripplet transform, spatial frequency, Entropy, Mutual information, Peak signal noise ratio, Root mean square error.
doi:10.5120/21713-4839 fatcat:m6jfnrxxmvbp3dp7w6aqzeygua