The Analysis Student Interest in Chemistry Subjects on the National Exam in MAN Sleman Yogyakarta

Indri Denispriyanti, Agus Kamaludin
2021 Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang  
This study aims to identify the difficulties experienced by students in learning chemistry. Besides, this study also aims to identify the factors causing the low interest in the National Examination of chemistry and determine students' interest in chemistry in the National Examination. This research is a type of descriptive research with a survey method. The population in this study was MAN in Sleman Regency and 3 of them were selected as samples. Sampling is done by stratified random sampling
more » ... ased on the value and number of chemical enthusiasts into 3 subpopulations. Data collection techniques in this study were closed questionnaires, interviews, and documents. The research instruments used were questionnaire sheets, interview guidelines, and documents. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics using percentages. The validity of the data used is technical triangulation. The results showed students' interest in chemistry subjects in the National Examination was included in the low category with a percentage of 15.2%.
doi:10.26714/jps.9.2.2021.146-151 doaj:8efbcb13c2eb4475b54ccc01c3936cf7 fatcat:qo56csaal5ahplulue6f3ggvxe