The Beginning of the Glass Age with Holographic Game Technology

Yogi Udjaja, Computer Science Department, School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta Indonesia 11480, Chang Minhuei
2021 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering  
The development of technology has now begun to shift to society 5.0, this technology has helped many human activities. The development of technology is also followed by the development of games, games in holographic form have been made by several developers, however, there are not many games in the holographic form that are marketed and played by many players. Hologram technology is a technology that is starting to develop at this time. There have been several games made from holograms, in
more » ... there are already tools to view or display holographic shapes. This paper explains that the creation and development of games using holographic technology has been around for decades. The development of the times has slowly begun to expand and develop knowledge about hologram technology by making hologram games and adding or developing ways of interacting with these hologram games. Keywords—Hologram Game Technology, 3D Hologram, Hologram for Game, Modern Technology
doi:10.46338/ijetae1121_06 fatcat:j6zbdj25ufcznjsft35vpnm54y