Investigating the barriers on media privatization

Seyed Mohammad Dadgaran, Akbar Farhangi, Reza Najafbeigi, Roghiyeh Jame
2013 Management Science Letters  
During the past few years, there has been growing interests in reducing cost of products and services among developing countries. Privatization is believed to be one of the most important techniques to increase relative efficiencies of publically held organizations. In this paper, we study important barriers on privatization of television (TV) media industry in Iran. The proposed study of this paper designs and distributes a questionnaire using a sample of 234 out of 600 graduate students who
more » ... re enrolled in media communication studies and examined six hypotheses based on one-side t-student. The survey considers different factors influencing privatization of TV media industry. The results of the investigation indicate that the cost of TV production, short and long-term investment security, people's interest on investing on TV media industry, building appropriate culture, cultural obstacles and economic barriers influence media privatization, significantly.
doi:10.5267/j.msl.2012.11.018 fatcat:75gnyrz6cnbhribppurbgwevkm