Higher Level Open String States from Vacuum String Field Theory

Hiroyuki Hata, Hisashi Kogetsu
2002 Journal of High Energy Physics  
We construct massive open string states around a classical solution in the oscillator formulation of Vacuum String Field Theory. In order for the correct mass spectrum to be reproduced, the projection operators onto the modes of the left- and right-half of the string must have an anomalous eigenvalue 1/2, and the massive states are constructed using the corresponding eigenvector. We analyze numerically the projection operators by regularizing them to finite size matrices and confirm that they
more » ... deed have eigenvalue 1/2. Beside the desired massive states, we have spurious massive as well as massless states, which are infinitely degenerate. We show that these unwanted states can be gauged away.
doi:10.1088/1126-6708/2002/09/027 fatcat:cezqxnc6czf5vdtcy6x2ktugwm