AKTS Etiketi ile Ödüllendirilen Türk Yükseköğretim Kurumlarının AKTS Bilgi Paketi'nin Değerlendirilmesi

Canan ÜNVAN-
2020 Turkish Studies - Educational Sciences  
There are currently 49 member states in the Bologna Process and these countries come together with the aim of creating a European Higher Education Area. Turkey is one of the members of Bologna Process since 2001. ECTS is one of important tools of Bologna. The aim of the research is to determine to what extent universities awarded with ECTS Label in Turkey reflected the ECTS Information Package to their websites. Research questions: How is the reflection of ECTS Information Package sections
more » ... as information on the institution, information on degree programmes and description of individual course units) on the related web sites of universities holding ECTS label? Do implementations regarding information packages change according to status of universities (state or non-profit foundation) and to foundation years of universities (old or new)? Data was obtained through document analysis. The web sites of ECTS Information Package (English section) of 31 universities in the scope of the research were reviewed. Related web pages were evaluated and compared based on selected faculties, programs and courses. Quantitative data provided through reviewing related web sites was summarized by frequency distribution. Research data was analyzed with content analysis since data is mainly qualitative. After, it was reported. Main findings of the research: The section of "Information on the Institution" was included in the web sites of all universities. It was also indicated with the appropriate content. On the other hand, the section of "Information on Degree Programmes" was included in the web sites of all universities. However, some universities, in this part, didn't give information about recognition of prior learning, level of qualification, qualification awarded, mode of study, qualification requirements and regulations. Even though there were "Description of Individual Course
doi:10.47423/turkishstudies.45924 fatcat:iliy53mn7zenjgov5zqsexeqr4