An Analysis of Students' Critical Thinking in Speaking Through Debate at English Meeting Club of MAN 2 Parepare

St Maimuna Azis, Abd Rauf Ibrahim
2021 Inspiring: English Education Journal  
The purpose of the research is to describe the students' critical thinking. The research is adescriptive method which aims to categorize the students' critical thinking level and involvethe participant of students' English meeting club. The instrument for collecting data of theresearch is rubric scoring of students' critical thinking based on Ficione which includesinterpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation, explanation, and self-Examination in debatemethod. The result revealed that average
more » ... percentage of all items in the first meeting till thethird meeting were at a fair with a high percentage Interpretation 50%, Analysis 56.2%,Inference 50%, Evaluation 56.2%, Explanation, 56.2% and Self-Examination 62,6%. On theother side, the students' critical thinking dominated at weak level. Even if it is not showingthe significant improvement but, in every meeting, the students that conclude in weak levelwas subtracted in 75% to 68.8% and last 62.5% as well as the students in Acceptable levelthere are two students arise in the last meeting. Thus, it can be concluded that the students'critical thinking of the English meeting club of MAN 2 Parepare was the majority in the weaklevel.
doi:10.35905/inspiring.v4i2.1947 fatcat:bkjujw2d6rgjhljruw4mn7lbym