About Possibilities of Strengthening of Epoxypolymer Composites by Modificated Brick Powder

Dmitro L. Starokadomsky
2012 American Journal of Polymer Science  
It is established that incorporating of silica A300 (with different nature of surface) can lead to strengthening of epoxy-polymer. According experimental obtained data, the new modified silicas that increases of strength and durability of epoxy-composite were proposed. They are obtained by modifying surface of A300 by monolayers of olygoacrylates (bis-GMA, olygocarbonate-methacrylate) or sylane-acrylate A174. It is established that modification improves the distribution of the filler in the
more » ... ix and optimize the structure of composition (reducing the number of bubbles, pores, defects). It is found that such modification of A300 can significantly increase the resistance of polyepoxide to aggressive media ( concentrated nitric acid and solvent diethylenglycol-diacetate). The limited swelling in solvent can reduce from 25-30% (for unfilled or neat silica filled) to 5-10% (for filled by oligoacrylate-modified silica) composite. Modification by silanacrylate A174 let increase a life-time of composite in conc.HNO 3 in 2,5 and 5 times versus neat silica and unfilled polymer; also, adhesion strength after silica modification let increase to 5-17% versus unfilled polymer.
doi:10.5923/j.ajps.20120205.05 fatcat:zaa5zsxq6nfk3l6t6silqiobsq