Weißmüller_Effective Leadership in Higher Education SLR [post]

Kristina Sabrina Weißmüller
2021 unpublished
Effective leadership is as essential for institutions of higher education as it is for all organizations. Updating Bryman's (2007) systematic review, the current study conducts a systematic analysis of the discourse on leadership on the department level. Results show that Bryman's (2007) original aspects still resonate loudly in the discourse ten years later but they also identify the emergence of a new central concept – ambidexterity – has found its way into the canon of micro-level leadership
more » ... research. While there is still no one best way to achieve effective leadership in higher education, findings reveal a growing distinction between leadership behaviours and the specific characteristics ascribed to effective leaders. Advancing both the discourse on practical issues of leadership in higher education and the unresolved issue of complexity in higher education management, the current review provides a valuable overview of the current state-of-the-art and opens up broad avenues for future research.
doi:10.35542/osf.io/ucyqv fatcat:bbo6in2ncrh37hc4k5ziy3zmfi