β-Catenin Activation in Muscle Progenitor Cells Regulates Tissue Repair

Anja Rudolf, Elija Schirwis, Lorenzo Giordani, Alice Parisi, Christoph Lepper, Makoto Mark Taketo, Fabien Le Grand
2016 Cell Reports  
Graphical Abstract Highlights d b-catenin signaling in adult muscle progenitor cells (MPCs) controls muscle regeneration d The absence of b-catenin signaling perturbs MPC differentiation d Activation of b-catenin leads MPCs toward precocious differentiation d TGF-b injection restores MPC ability to differentiate in the absence of b-catenin
doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2016.04.022 pmid:27134174 fatcat:4s4ydifscbc7nhzi27wt2bzkfu