Toward efficient distributed network monitoring

Xiaojiang Du
IEEE International Conference on Performance, Computing, and Communications, 2004  
Efficient and scalable management of large networks requires distributed management systems. In this paper, we present two distributed algorithms for network monitoring. Monitoring forms the basis of control and management systems. Effective monitoring ensures the network operates within desirable parameters. Conducting such monitoring introduces communication overhead that may reduce the overall effective throughput. The monitoring consists of measuring properties of the network, and of
more » ... ng an aggregate function from these measurements. We develop two distributed monitoring algorithms that significantly reduce the management overhead. The performance of the distributed monitoring algorithms is tested in both simulation testbed and real network, and compared with a centralized algorithm. The experimental results show that the distributed algorithm performs much better than the centralized algorithm.
doi:10.1109/pccc.2004.1301054 fatcat:s3crvzqmcjcobomwsu2i2sqn24