What Matters in the Right Selection of Provincial Government Employees: An Analytical Study based on Employees Perception

Ghulam Nabi, Zhu Yuanhua, Ahmad Nawaz Zaheer, Abdul Rehman, Sehran Khan Nisar
2016 International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences  
The main focus of this study is to investigate the applicants' perceived insight about the procedural justice of the recruitment and selection procedures in the public sector organizations. Data collection was made from those applicants who have gone through the process of prescribed selection process applicable for the provincial government jobs. A well designed survey questionnaire based on 5 point liker scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree were used to get the responses. It
more » ... has been identified that the most significant issue for the selection of employees is the issue of feedback and job relatedness. The overall pattern of results indicates that both of the categories qualified and non-qualified employees showed that the fairness of the selection process is a real issue. Secondly, the departmental capacity shows they have less competent staff available for the handing of recruitment and selection process. There is a vital need that future research may focus on the specific measures that are used in making right selection, especially criterion-related validity and construct validity.
doi:10.6007/ijarbss/v6-i6/2200 fatcat:cxew6mw4jjdmleulqcjiq3skii