Numerical Study of a Passive Wedge Absorber System for Momentum Selection of Muon Beams [report]

Lauren Carver, Diktys Stratakis
2019 unpublished
Measure the muon anomalous magnetic moment (g-2) with 0.14 ppm uncertaintya fourfold improvement of the BNL measurement (0.54 ppm) Approach Circulate 3.1 GeV/c polarized muons in a uniform magnetic field and measure the precession frequency Challenge The beam delivered to the storage ring of the Muon g-2 Experiment has a rms momentum spread that is 10 times larger than the ring can accept resulting in 90% of the incoming beam being lost • An initial distribution of muons was created and tracked
more » ... through the M4 and M5 lines with a wedge made of boron carbide placed at 8 different offsets • The particles were then tracked through the inflector • This process was repeated for a distribution of positrons • In this study, a wedge system will be inserted along the M5 line and its performance will be studied with the code G4beamline • We will examine the sensitivity in performance for different wedge offsets and compare our findings with recent experimental data The simulation study is divided into two parts: • Along the M4-M5 lines of the Fermilab Muon Campus and through the inflector • Around the storage ring Results along the Muon g-2 Storage ring: Goal of this Study: • Begin by separate particles by momentum, guiding them into a dispersive area • Then, pass the beam through a wedge absorber • With a properly designed wedge, high-energy muons will lose more energy than low-energy ones and as a result, the overall energy spread of the beam is reduced Proposed Solution: Results along the Muon Campus M4-M5 lines and Inflector: • After the inflector, the distribution was passed into the storage ring for 30 turns • The storage ring was run with different parameters including • With and without the kickers • With 5 collimators • With 2 collimators • With incoming energies of 3100, 3106, and 3110 MeV/c Experimental Results
doi:10.2172/1606413 fatcat:rhyx7nvnxre2ti5cw5rrt5jvtm