Structure of the Hel 43D, 3F-2 3P (λ = 447.15 nm, λ = 447.0 nm) Spectral Line Emitted from a Low-Pressure Linear Discharge

H. W. Drawin, J. Ramette
1978 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A-A Journal of Physical Sciences  
=The line profile of the HeI line at λ447.15 nm has been measured during the ionisation phase and during the afterglow of a condensed low-pressure helium discharge by means of a 10-channel spectrum analyzer having a channel width of 0.1 Å. The temporal resolution was I.6 μs (e-folding time). The filling pressure ranged from one to twenty Torr. The same relative peak structure was observed during the plasma build-up phase and the afterglow, only the intensities of the peaks were different in the
more » ... two cases. Our measured profiles are quite similar to those obtained under different experimental conditions by other authors who explained the structure as being due to Baranger-Mozer plasma satellites. In contrast to this we did not find any correlation between electron density and peak position, i.e. the interpretation as Baranger- Mozer plasma satellites has to be excluded. The wavelengths of a number of peaks agree well with already identified He
doi:10.1515/zna-1978-1106 fatcat:zzhtfbnaujghpbhy5dgaqfkdxa