Isotopic study of the Pb-Zn (Cu-Ag) Santa Maria Deposit, Caçapava do Sul Region, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

David Ramos Pereira, Moacir José Buenano Macambira, Karen Cristina de Jesus Pires, Samuel Bouças do Lago
2021 Brazilian Journal of Geology  
The Camaquã Mines, in the central-southern region of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, contain the largest deposits of base metals (Camaquã, Cu; Santa Maria, Pb-Zn) in the Camaquã Basin. The host rocks are consisted of sandstones and conglomerates of the Santa Bárbara Group and interbedded volcanic rocks of undefined stratigraphic position. Peperitic features were identified in a mineralized trachytic sill. An age of 565 ± 5 Ma (U-Pb LA-MC-ICP-MS) was obtained for another trachytic rock, which
more » ... lowed for the identification, for the first time, of the Acampamento Velho Formation in the Camaquã Mines region. Stratigraphic relations demonstrate that both rocks represent this magmatism. Data from Pb isotopes and spatial relationship observed in the field indicate a possible genetic link between Acampamento Velho Formation and Camaquã mineralization. Pb isotopic data also suggest a predominantly older crustal source (1.07 Ga model age) for Pb and possibly for the other metals, with intermediate or mixed origin, suggesting that magmatic-hydrothermal fluids leached the metals from the percolated rocks of the basement.
doi:10.1590/2317-4889202120200091 fatcat:vqcwra5rozdnlmfqdtxmi2bqbu