Comparative efficiency and capacity analysis of Waqf Agricultural Enterprises (19th century Ottoman and the 21st century Turkey: Aegean Example)

2021 Journal of Life Economics  
In the study, the foundation olive groves as the foundation agricultural enterprises in the 19th century Ottoman Empire Aegean Region and the 21st century Ayvalik Waqf Olive Groves Management Directorate are examined in terms of productivity and capacity. When the Aegean Region waqf agricultural enterprises were examined in the 19th century, generally waqf olive groves were found. In addition, today's Ayvalık agricultural waqf enterprise is examined. When doing research, Ottoman Archive
more » ... s and Ayvalık Waqf Olive Groves reports are used. In the waqf olive groves; When we make a comparison on the basis of villages, today's productivity has increased three times at most in some villages, sometimes the same, sometimes less, compared to the 19th century. Although today's socio-economic conditions and technology are in a better state, there has not been a serious difference in productivity. In the Ottoman Empire, foundation agricultural enterprises were operated by the method of tax-farming. Since today's waqf agricultural enterprises are operated in a similar way to the tax farming method, we can say that olive groves are operated by modern tax-farming method.
doi:10.15637/jlecon.8.3.02 fatcat:bouov4fpv5hgdj5yr67qusyphe