Thyroglobulin and thyroglobulin antibodies: assay-dependent management consequences in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma

Caroline M J van Kinschot, Robin P Peeters, Sjoerd A A van den Berg, Frederik A Verburg, Charlotte van Noord, Tessa M van Ginhoven, W Edward Visser
International guidelines recommend fixed cut-off values for thyroglobulin (Tg). These cut-offs do not take potential assay differences into account. This study aimed to evaluate if different assays for Tg and Tg antibodies (TgAb) affect management guidance for differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) patients. In 793 samples derived from 413 patients with DTC, Tg and TgAb were simultaneously measured with two immunometric assays: Immulite 2000XPi and Kryptor compact plus. In addition, a qualitative
more » ... easurement for TgAb interference (recovery test) was performed on the Kryptor compact plus platform. The extent to which different assays lead to different classifications of response to therapy was evaluated when applying the current cut-offs for Tg. Mean Tg concentrations were 37.4% lower with Kryptor as compared with Immulite. Applying guideline based cut-off values for Tg, 33 (4.7%) samples had a Tg-on concentration ≥1.0 μg/L with Immulite and <1.0 μg/L with Kryptor. Of the samples tested as TgAb+ with at least one assay (n=125), 68 (54.4%) samples showed discrepancy in TgAb status. Differences between Immulite and Kryptor measurements resulted in a change in the response to therapy classification in 94 (12.0%) measurements derived from 67 (16.2%) individual patients. A substantial portion of DTC patients were classified differently dependent on which Tg and TgAb assays are used, when applying the cut-off values as defined in clinical guidelines. Such differences can significantly affect clinical management. In the context of large between-method variation, the recommended Tg cut-offs in guidelines should be used with wisdom rather than as fixed cut-offs.
doi:10.1515/cclm-2021-1046 pmid:35108464 fatcat:amr5jq3g6za55gzg4vt6n7gsyy