Maryland Gazette April 1810

(:Unkn) Unknown
>r an orchard oogfcn, d i»'nceth,niBloW| :h tree ID the row *» :art ilone " b, 3,. I ' 'fpreadlef.^^! i. Cherries, the b*»l br SO. Peatta/il 'tis feet. '^' i«u»part,r,f lgTitih|( ttlrundf,ftood,ind tl, « the planting Of u forrrd into i friill ^ to chance, ««!»«, ther to pruning or i ed for an orehird I,., at lead before plima, lo much the better I fhould be dig i c feet over, ind irfj^l five the influence *f tht| [LXVIth YEAR.] WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1810. [No. jjeorge & Jolin Barber iSCE more
more » ... eft »" Pjrlon.*dI .o thtm to come forward »nd fettle their Em kw **••'--t«, either by Cash or Note* of Hand. rr indulgence cannot be given : Surh . to comply, arr notified that the law be enforced a^ainft them. Tbofe who loot fe'.tle thrir lrrij»ht accounts regularly, V not expeft the fame attention to their rfi ai punctual cult'imrrs, and their , cill be detained for payment. Ly roniinnr to keep a large affortmrnt of
doi:10.13016/m2ng4gs9b fatcat:ynb3q3kgibelndmbjcas2rlfva