Considerations Concerning Possible Explanations of the European Multicultural Society Failure

Anca Dinicu, Daniel-Sorin Constantin
2016 International conference KNOWLEDGE-BASED ORGANIZATION  
The almost global democratization removed, among other things, the constraints on cooperation between the countries from all over the world. The collapse of ideological barriers has facilitated not only redesigning the states' foreign policies on other foundations, but also a non-governmental expansion through the many possibilities offered by the free movement of persons, material and spiritual goods, capital and services. All these, enhanced by the boom of social communication networks, have
more » ... nfluenced national companies, giving them a touch of transnationality translated by heterogeneity in relation to which national governments seem unable to resist. The permeability of borders, one of the features of globalization, also applies in this case of influence and cultural communion, of movement of people and ideas. This paper aims to address the issue of multiculturalism generated by the migration phenomenon not as a factor of social cohesion, but as one able to induce disorder and adversity against those who are different. The analytical approach is based on the empirical study of the current European context, which is under deep pressure as a result of the immigration "Tsunami" generated largely by the complex situation in the Middle East and North Africa. Therefore, the two possible initialization research questions might be: are we confronting a single and big problem hanging over the entire geopolitical region mentioned above or is it necessary to focus on each national space separately and try to settle issues from a local-regional perspective by the international community together with the internal forces directly involved in conflict? is there today a unified European view on multiculturalism applicable at national level? This is, in fact, the issue over which the analysis focuses.
doi:10.1515/kbo-2016-0004 fatcat:fmojfvueezfjzel73qwpufcpiy