Reflection of light as a mechanical phenomenon applied to the Michelson interferometer with light from the Sun [post]

Filip Dambi
2022 unpublished
The Sun is a frame at relative rest in which the light from Sun travels at the emitted speed c, and the Earth travels with the revolving speed v. The reflection of light as a mechanical phenomenon applies to the modified Michelson interferometer employed by Miller in his experiments with light from Sun. Unlike the Tomaschek experiments, which employ light from stars, the fringe shifts in the Miller experiments are predictable. This study derives the light speeds from the Sun entering the
more » ... rometer from 6 am to 6 pm and the corresponding fringe shifts confirming that Miller's observed fringe shifts are proof of the Earth's motion in the Sun's frame at relative rest and the Universe.
doi:10.20944/preprints202208.0472.v1 fatcat:u2jpz7cdc5effdqyw4gp5jwzju