Synonymy in the terminology of computational linguistics

2021 RESEARCH RESULT Theoretical and Applied Linguistics  
The article presents a study of synonymous relations in the computational linguistics terminology, the relevance of which is due to the need to streamline the corresponding terminology system. The study is focused on identifying the reasons for the presence of synonymous terms in the computational linguistics vocabulary, grouping them in accordance with classification features, analyzing their etymology, morphological nature, forms of variance and interchangeability. The systematization of the
more » ... erms in question is based on the descriptive method of research. Etymological, definitive and quantitative analysis methods were also applied. As a result of the study, it was found that the main reasons for the presence of synonymous relations in the computational linguistics terminology are associated with a variety of term structure forming methods, the need to select Russian-language correspondences to terms of foreign language origin and the intensive emergence of new concepts due to the rapid development of the professional sphere of automatic processing of natural language. The authors propose a classification of computational linguistics termssynonyms according to the type of synonymous relation, structure, morphological nature, the components number of the synonymous series, etymological characteristics. Interchangeable word combinations, their truncated verbal forms, abbreviations and syntactic variants of terms in computational linguistics are revealed.
doi:10.18413/2313-8912-2021-7-4-0-2 fatcat:mz3dbcffdzhj5cdvqpdio52qza