TRJ918232 Supplemental Material - Supplemental material for Effects of temperature and humidity on high-strength p-aramid fibers used in body armor

A Engelbrecht-Wiggans, F Burni, E Guigues, S Jiang, TQ Huynh, Z Tsinas, D Jacobs, AL Forster
2020 Figshare  
Supplemental material, TRJ918232 Supplemental Material for Effects of temperature and humidity on high-strength p-aramid fibers used in body armor by A Engelbrecht-Wiggans, F Burni, E Guigues, S Jiang, TQ Huynh, Z Tsinas, D Jacobs and AL Forster in Textile Research Journal
doi:10.25384/sage.12129753.v1 fatcat:z5exzyztivhtldv6t6ihl3hdtu