Physics-based Model to Predict Forces and Chip Morphology in the Machining of a Ti-6Al-4V Alloys for Aeronautical Applications

Omar Fergani, Zoubir Atmani, Mohamed Zenasni, Knut Sorby
2016 Procedia Manufacturing  
The understanding of the cutting process for Ti-6Al-4Valloys is a substantial challenge for process planning in the aerospace industry due to their large-scale utilization. The recent advances in physics-based simulation tool show great capabilities to reduce the operating cost while maintaining the desired product properties. This paper presents a new physics-based materials model capable of capturing accurately the plastic deformation behavior of a Ti-6Al-4V alloys. The model uses the
more » ... d mechanical threshold stress (MTS) theory as a basis for the predictions. The model's ability to predict the dimensions of the shear band is evaluated by comparing finite element simulation and experimental results. The results show good predictability for both the cuttings forces and chip morphology. Overall, it is suggested that the model can be used for planning of machining processes in industrial practice.
doi:10.1016/j.promfg.2016.11.008 fatcat:nenz37ac7vhfdfkutgndmieevi