The Nanaimo Free Press [Tuesday, August 3, 1909] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Foren^an Provokes A Little Heated Discus W ~ ' ■ ' Rochester, N.Y., Aug. 8.-The , man who killed hersBli last jumping from a boat at Oeni ' ley Park is not Julii night by _._esee Valis not Julia Yost who is home in this city. The dead wo rn remains unidentffied. -The regular mooting of the City never boen near the pipe line Council was held in the Council had be reported for work either Chambers last night.' Mayor Hodg-Pngineer Bryson or anyone else. ^ presided and the full board of Mr. Bryson,
more » ... when they learned of gjgermen was in attendance. this was sent out to the camjp. He Uiere were no communications, saw one of the cooks in town ^a letter from Mr. Jos. Mullett. der the influence of drink, and met two-year'olds, distance flee furlongs ■" .
doi:10.25316/ir-12238 fatcat:63zi6jf2nrbafconamjj7csljm