Video Stabilization Using Feature Point Matching

Shamsundar Kulkarni, D.S Bormane, S.L Nalbalwar
2017 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
Video capturing by non-professionals will lead to unanticipated effects. Such as image distortion, image blurring etc. Hence, many researchers study such drawbacks to enhance the quality of videos. In this paper an algorithm is proposed to stabilize jittery videos. A stable output video will be attained without the effect of jitter which is caused due to shaking of handheld camera during video recording. Firstly, salient points from each frame from the input video is identified and processed
more » ... lowed by optimizing and stabilize the video. Optimization includes the quality of the video stabilization. This method has shown good result in terms of stabilization and it discarded distortion from the output videos recorded in different circumstances.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/787/1/012017 fatcat:k7iy3z2nobdotezlhh4dqrkzfi