Development of management measures to bring the territory of Carpathian Biosphere Reserve into alignment with the international requirements

Mykola P. Rybak, Vitalina V. Lukianova, Victoriia O. Khrutba, Yevheniia S. Anpilova
2019 Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine  
The modern ecological challenges of the territories with conservation status have impact not only at the national level, but also at the global. That is why the solution to address the administrative challenges of these territories located in our country and bringing them into alignment with the international requirements is becoming more relevant. The purpose of the study is to develop measures aiming to create a transit zone of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve in the context of the
more » ... development. Research materials and methods of the study. From the traditional general scientific methods used: analysis and synthesis; comparison and analogy; generalization and abstraction; project management (planning and implementation of measures aiming to create a transit zone of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve). The relevance of this work is quite high. The conservation business in Ukraine is developing and improving every year. The process of increasing the conservation territories is relevant not only in Ukraine but also beyond its borders. Unfortunately, the legal framework of our state in the field of conservation does not fully ensure the proper use, reproduction and protection of the biosphere territories with conservation status. The Carpathian Biosphere Reserve is one of the largest environmental, scientific, environmental and educational centers of the Carpathian region. Since 1993 it has been part of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves of the MAB-UNESCO. The article gives an example of bringing the territory of a biosphere reserve to the international requirements for biosphere reserves; the main directions of activity aimed at collaboration of the administration of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve with local communities and recommendations to implement the measures to ensure the creation of a transit zone of the biosphere reserve in Ukraine.
doi:10.32347/2411-4049.2019.4.23-31 fatcat:nuasmpupsjfl7g74lxztnxp4pu