a Prototype Design of Smart Quranic Garden System using ATmega328 and ESP8266 Microcontrollers

Muhamad Rafi Anggara, Andi Disbuhadi
2022 Jurnal Kajian Peradaban Islam  
Medicinal plants are one of the leading plants cultivated by farmers in Parongpong District, West Bandung Regency. There are so many benefits of medicinal plants, especially the bidara plant which is the main commodity of a farmer group called the Quran Garden Foundation. The vision of this bidara cultivation is in addition to a health function, as well as an effort to implement the sunnah in Islam. Therefore, the authors initiated the Smart Quranic Garden System prototype which is based on
more » ... n house system automation technology and Internet of Things (IoT) based security using the ATmega328 and ESP8266 microcontrollers. This research was conducted using experimental methods, namely design and testing. The system built on this prototype includes watering, weather and security. Based on the test results, the pump on the watering system works when the soil moisture sensor detects soil moisture at an ADC value of more than or equal to 700. Whereas in the weather system, the heater will work when DHT11 detects a temperature below 25oC and the blower will work when a temperature is detected above 30oC. . The security system also responds according to the program that is set, namely the relay for the solenoid lock door will open only when the password is correct and the virtual button on Blynk is pressed. It is hoped that the system in this prototype can be implemented so that the growth height of the bidara plant in Parongpong district can be optimized.
doi:10.47076/jkpis.v5i1.104 fatcat:p7y3aqugyrgzzjjndyfdpsne4m