G030082 Development of microwave atomic force microscope probe to measure electrical properties of cells
G030082 細胞の電気的特性を評価するマイクロ波原子間力顕微鏡プローブの開発([G03008]材料力学部門一般セッション(8):材料の電気的特性)

Takanori MAKINO, Hisataka KOTO, Yang JU, Atsushi HOSOI
2011 The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress Japan  
Furo −cho , ChikUsa − kU, Nagoya 464 − 8603 Japan Recently , regenerative medicine has been f()cused wlth stem cells that can regenerate the lost human tissues and organs . To measure healthiness of ceUs non − invasively , microwave atomic force microscope ( M − AFM ) which can measure electrical properties and topography of cells has been developed . M − AFM probe was fabricated by forming a microwave tmnsmissioll line on the probe cant 且eveL We succeeded in measuring both the microwave
more » ... e and the surface topography of drled mesenchymal stem cells after etha 皿01 dehydration by M −AFM with the probe . As a result , the change of microwave signals depending on the cell tissues was detected .
doi:10.1299/jsmemecj.2011._g030082-1 fatcat:ognvkwnopfhkpihnxkrpf4t3ey