The Medical Division of the National Museum**Read before 1920 Meeting of Ohio State Pharmaceutical Association.11This paper has interest, aside from the matter presented, because of the desirability of enlisting the cooperation of the American Pharmaceutical Association, state associations, and the drug trade, in the efforts of the Smithsonian Institution to add to its pharmaceutical exhibit

Charles G. Merrell
1920 The Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association (1912)  
ChemicalLSociety funds were raised to make an examination of the consular invoices for all imports during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1914. The results of this work are shown in our Miscellaneous Series No. Sz which gives figures showing the quantity and value of the imports of 2500 separate classes of products, and the percentage of the total quantity imported from each foreign country. These 2500 products include all those whose import value during the year ending June 30, 1914 exceeded
more » ... 00. The remaining 3,000 products which were valued at less than $100 each during the year are shown in a separate list without figures showing the quantity and value of each commodity.
doi:10.1002/jps.3080090915 fatcat:3mubszvdxvebjp5yi3meghmj5q