Untersuchungen über "kleine" E. coli K 12 Bakteriophagen

P. H. Hofschneider
1963 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. B, A journal of chemical sciences  
1. Mitt.: Die Isolierung und einige Eigenschaften der "kleinen" Bakteriophagen M 12, M 13 und M 20 The isolation and some properties of three small bacteriophages M 12, M 13 and M 20 growing on E. coli K 12-strains will be described. M 12 contains RNA. M 13 and M 20 probably singlestranded DNA. By the phenol-procedure infectious nucleic acid of all three phages can be prepared.
doi:10.1515/znb-1963-0306 fatcat:lk4sp6u3bjee5mel4d6ueszfzm