Experiments and hydrographic surveys off Sandy Hook, New Jersey (1963)

Ichiye, Takashi, 1921-
Dye diffusion experiments carried out off Sandy Hook, New Jersey on August 7 and October 15 through 18 in 1963 are described. Aerial photo** * graphs from a low flying airplane in October experiments showed fine structures of dye patches, such as striations* owing to calm weather, A shipborne fluorometer indicated that dye was thinly spread vertically only above seven meters in October although thermocline was located at about 25 meters. Hydrographic data off Sandy Hook Bay were collected at
more » ... ee different tidal stages on August 6 to 7, These data indicate that advection of water in the bay by tidal currents occurred independently at each level without much vertical mixing. Relationships between spectrum of mean square deviations of concentration and that of turbulent energy are dis¬ cussed in relation to dye diffusion process. % u x . ■ ■ .
doi:10.7916/d8-b2dv-g837 fatcat:dobtsuqk3nb7rcxoyp7aq37hve